They can be maintained though. Right down to nothing.[Trees in decline will actually start shrinking in size as you remove dead wood.] If you can afford it. Every 3 to 6 years. And. If you can comprehend it and accept it. The way they are usually trimmed though, makes them worse. If they haven't had PROPER periodic maintenance. They can be scary. Trust me. You don't want to wait for Mother Nature to trim these! Of course it can require a certain process and time to accept the idea of cutting them down.
Reuben in tree. [18 yrs. old] Some folks say that he was born in a tree. Tough as a mule, healthy as a horse, strong as an ox, and smarter than a tree full of owls!
Mark Germain. [Grandad] 660 Stihl - 36" bar.
Nothin' like sendin' 'em packin'!