36 man hours. First job on the job blog. No picture of the tree before it came down. Here I'm getting ready to cut the stump at ground level. Before we bring in the stump grinder. Didn't want to leave anything for anyone to trip on. The annual Rendezvous in the Park was starting the next day.

Started on first infected Elm in East City Park. One week ago. 07-14-07. Infected with Dutch Elm Disease. Also infested with the Japanese beetles that spread the fungus. The beetles of course fly around and infest and infect other trees. Also, the fungus spreads through the root system and infects other trees that way. You can begin to see why the Dutch Elm Disease has been so devastating. Since it came here from Europe about 90 years ago. Before that. Elms were the most common shade tree in America. It's so important to try and maintain diversity. We took 7 out of the park last year. 10 went away the year before. Too many Elms in one place didn't help. I'm afraid it's not over for this year.
Kathleen Flores. Arborist apprentice. She's excited about learning to climb and prune.

Some mighty fine hardwood. # 044-008. Cutting full 4" by 8" cants here. Stuff is like lead. Until it dries. Then it's still heavy.
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